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Developing models of Integrated Rural Development for possible replication on sustainable basis focusing on Agriculture, Horticulture, Social Forestry etc, in some of its project areas in the State of Karnataka, AIRD promotes transfer of technology from the Laboratory to Farmers’ fields under the Lab-to–Land Programmes.

When men are being trained for the sustainable agriculture, women are also trained in the production of the vermicompost and vermiwash which enriches the soil to have chemical free agricultural and horticultural produce.

( Discussion with the farmers at villages and sharing knowledge  and promoting new technology in farmers fields)

(Women  in  production of the vermicompost)

(Women showing the worms present in the compost)

Office & Education center at:  Asian Institute for Rural Development (AIRD)

#17, Katriguppa Main Road, BSK 3rd Stage, (Near Vidyapeeta Circle) Bangalore-85, INDIA; phone: (+91)-(80)-226692218; Timings- 10AM to 5PM