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• Women, Youth, School children and peasants farm youth groups including policy makers (Members of Parliament, State Legislators, Administrators and Development Leaders).

• Institutions such as Cooperatives, Peasant Organisations (Farmers Organisation), Rural youth Group Members and Leaders who are involved in the Panchayat Raj Institutions (Local Bodies).

• Government and Non-Governmental agencies such as Voluntary Organisations, Civil Society groups that promote network and partnership among the various groups at grass root level.

• Financial Institutions that provide financial support through grants and loans, to support livelihood activities at the community level.

• Research Organisations such as Universities and Management Institutions.

• Decision makers at the policy level, including political leaders, Administrators and Management experts.

Office & Education center at:  Asian Institute for Rural Development (AIRD)

#17, Katriguppa Main Road, BSK 3rd Stage, (Near Vidyapeeta Circle) Bangalore-85, INDIA; phone: (+91)-(80)-226692218; Timings- 10AM to 5PM